Oh, man, the T.I.Kids Cook-Off we recently did sure delivered: a “kid-tested, mom-approved” Really Cool Thing, just as we’d hoped and planned…and full of the Festivity of Food! (As well as hope for a Fabulous Food Future…)
The impetus behind it was to give the Creative Kid Cooks in the crowd an opportunity to show us their Stuff by creating dishes with Mystery Ingredients, challenged to magically turn them into “delicious, beautiful and healthy” dishes. These cool kids did just that, experimenting, tasting, carefully considering their choices and then artfully arranging their fare. Cheered on by me and the other judges, we all enjoyed the friendly competition, begging the discussion of “competition vs. contest” and emphasizing that we are here to have fun and learn from each other, rather than “kicking butts”.
So what was actually learned from all this fun? Our Budding Chefs explored cooking grains; how to make sauces and soups; how to include greens in almost everything and they discovered interesting culinary terms and useful techniques. Plus too many other great things to succinctly mention here, just know that everyone got a wholelotta great memories...
And as if that wasn’t enough, they won fantastic prizes each day and were rewarded for trying new things, dancing, cleaning-up their stations and using any new information, vocabulary and techniques that they were learning.
Finally, for all of the Good Times and Lessons Learned, I have to say that the very best part for me, as usual, was that the kids had a blast, were excited for each day and, according to parental reports, were “inspired and psyched to cook at home!”
That's what I'm talkin' about...
In that same Spirit of Growth and Adventure, I happily invite You to take a look at my Sweet Website* calendar and consider signing up for the next TIKids Happy Healthy Camper Sessions. These include fun and interesting International food preparation as well as Yoga & Meditation and awesome art activities, making cool “Projects With a Purpose”.
This promises to be a special week that will influence your kid’s entire life…
Intuitively Yours, with Love & Gratitude,
Marissa J.
* lovely web design by The Lovely Brooke Gilley www.runningwaterr.com